Monday, 10 November 2014

Back Issue: December 2014 AMRM

The December 2014 issue of AMRM is now available as a back issue either direct from SCR Publications or online from Zinio.

On the cover...

What's inside...

We haven't had much from the west lately, so we are very pleased to present our first West Australian layout for some time, and it isn't WAGR! This exhibition layout, owned and built by well-known WA identity, Stuart Mackay, is based on the actual location of Watheroo on the (then) privately owned and operated Midland Railway of WA and features some of the colourful and unusual locomotives and rolling stock that was operated on this interesting system, which, at the time, was the longest privately operated railway in Australia.

To build a realistic model, one needs prototype information, and Phil Dunn has certainly provided some very comprehensive notes on the VR Z vans modified and recoded for passenger service.
This article will tie in very nicely with David Foulkes' construction article on adding buffers to Z vans, scheduled for a near-future issue of AMRM.

With all the very nice rail tank car models being produced lately, we need some where on our layouts to send them! Phil Jeffery looks Beyond the Fence again with some images of typical country fuel depots that should provide some inspiration for suitable models.

The rest of the issue appears to have become a bit of a 'how-to' on a number of layout building issues, with Craig Veitch presenting part 6 of his Void to Layout series, this time covering wiring it up and planning the operational sequences. 

Mal Smith, on the other hand, illustrates some basic track laying and scenery building techniques in this, the first of two parts detailing the construction of a diorama of the Bell's Grotto area on the Wolgan Valley railway.

Richard Gross also has some useful hints and tips on a number of aspects pertaining to the successful construction and operating of a layout.

Trevor Hodges continues to keep us 'In The Loop' with a discussion of some of the issues involved in fitting layouts into fixed spaces.

This issue's Gallery returns to the VMRS's Victorian Prototype Modeller's Forum with some photos of some exceptional modelling in N scale.

The Reviews section in this issue is another big one,  with reviews ranging over a wide variety of areas, including books, electronic aids, kits and r-t-r models. Here you will find considered opinions on the r-t-r SDS Models BMT milk tank wagons, Austrains 'Way and Works' set, Powerline's latest version of the NSWGR BCH and BWH hopper wagons , plus Casula Hobbies' Tulloch double-deck suburban electric trailers. If you are thinking of tackling Ezi Kits' NSWGR J522 locomotive kit or Andian's NSWGR 5000 gallon Commonwealth 'turret' tender kit, you will find the info here to be of much use! Under the broad heading of 'accessories' is a carriage internal lighting kit from ANE Models, a DCC control system imported by All Aboard Modellbahn and a DCC accessory decoder and button board from North Coast Engineering. You can't model something well if you don't know what it looks like and the three books (Train Hobby's NSWGR 53 class profile, plus Steam: Gone But Not Forgotten and Northern Exposures) reviewed will go a long way to providing a lot of very useful information on the late steam era of the NSWGR.

Then there is the nine pages of post-October long weekend releases and news.

Purchase this issue of AMRM as a back issue in either paper or digital form
Ring the office on (02) 9311 2036 and have your credit card handy


Order a back issue from our website

You can also purchase a digital back issue from the Zinio site:

James McInerney
Production Manager

Monday, 8 September 2014

Back Issue: October 2014 AMRM

The October 2014 issue of AMRM is now available as a back issue, either direct from SCR Publications or online from Zinio.

On the cover...

October is our traditional 'John Dennis' feature layout issue, but, having run out of narrow gauge layouts to photograph, John has once more turned his camera towards Victoria's broad gauge scene with Greg Coombs' HO scale model of Yea.

Greg shows just what can be achieved in part of a small garage in the average home.

The contents of this issue should inspire a few modelling projects.
Many of us have Lima passenger cars in our collection. Brett Kavanagh has detailed a couple of them to represent the prototypes as running in their final years during the 1980s.

Mark Laidlay has prepared a comprehensive guide to adding more weight to the Eureka R class, complete with dimensioned drawings of the weights and an illustrated guide to assembly.

Another of Leon Oberg's grandsons, Bailey Thorpe, shows that talent must be genetic and provides the modern era modeller with a selection of useful photos of current operations. Leon is determined to get more young people into the hobby, even if he has to get his children to breed them for him!

Ron Cunningham returns with another Branchline Ramblings on current trends in the hobby (no, he hasn't demolished Werris Creek and taken up modelling the QR!)

This issue's Gallery features some of the superb steam locomotives modelled by Allan English, with an extended description of how he added some distinctive detail to his models.

Also included are a couple of very useful small articles, one by Bob Quick on a method of fixing the infamous Trainorama clicking gearbox and the other by Bruce Walker on making corrugated iron sheets. Ralph Holden also provides another Superintendent's Notebook, this time a cautionary tale on the dangers of digging holes in baseboards!

Unlike last issue, the Review section in this issue is a monster, thanks to the large number of models that have been released over the last couple of months. In HO scale we review On Tracks Models' NSWGR TRC vans, plus their VR BLX and VLX vans, Columbia Models NSWGR K wagon, Casula Hobbies' NPCF and SDS Models' NPRY cement hoppers, Orient Express Reproductions' SAR M vans and Austrains' NSWGR LFX and HCX 'dogbox' carriages. In N scale we review Aust-N-Rails VR/SAR FQX and NSW OCX container flats.

Once you have digested that, then there is six pages of News and Recent Releases! The commercial side of the hobby is certainly buoyant at the moment!

Purchase this issue of AMRM as a back issue in either paper or digital form
Ring the office on (02) 9311 2036 and have your credit card handy


Order a back issue from our website

You can also purchase a digital back issue from the Zinio site:

James McInerney
Production Manager

Thursday, 10 July 2014

Back Issue: August 2014 AMRM

The Aug 2014 issue of AMRM is now available as a back issue. 

The August issue cover.

The contents of the August issue.

Feature layout this issue is Geoff Small's little NSWGR exhibition 'gem', Whereisit , showing what can be achieved with a good 'eye' and the judicious application of r-t-r and ready-to-place models. 

The construction articles in this issue show a distinctive Victorian slant with another VR wagon construction article from Peter Ennis...

and, as encouragement to those who are prepared to 'have a go' rather than wait for one of the importers to produce the exact model they want, Christopher Jewell shows how he created a model of West Coast Railway's S300 from a blue and gold Trainorama S class diesel.

However, NSW has not been forgotten, as AMRM Editor, Ian Dunn, has followed up his recent review of the IDR 18' LV with an article on how to backdate it to an earlier version.

We'd love to print construction articles from other states, but we need someone to write something! Come on Queensland, South Australia, Western Australia, Northern Territory and Tasmania, don't let NSW and Victoria have the magazine all to themselves!

Encouragement of another sort is described in Ron Geeves' article on the layout constructed by pupils of Kaleen High School under the mentoring of members of the Canberra Model Railway Club. Who was that saying that the 'old blokes' don't encourage the younger crowd! 

This issue's Beyond the Fence highlights a very common Australian building style that is rarely modelled. Hopefully models of these houses will now be less rare!

It looks like we now will have two semi-regular columnists, with the printing of the first of well-known O scale enthusiast, Trevor Hodges, new columns under the heading of 'In the Loop', where Trevor intends to be occasionally 'side tracked' by topics of interest to all modellers, not just those of a specific scale!

Along with the featured articles we also have some 'short and sweet' articles on subjects as diverse as modifying the current version of Peco turnouts for slow-motion point machines, adding a mini-scene featuring bee hives to your layout  and a simple method for neatly cutting windows in scratchbuilt passenger cars.

Last, but by no means least, in the article section of the magazine, this issue's Gallery features some of the magnificent models of Victorian (the state!) buildings that were on display at the 2013 Victorian Prototype Modeler's Forum.

The Reviews section in this issue is another relatively 'quiet' one, with reviews of Southern Rails QR VAK/VGK hopper wagons, Bragdon weathering powders, arched bridge kits from North Eastern Scale Models and the DVD Recordings from Hunter & Northern Lines 2013 from Train Buff Productions. This issue may be 'quiet', but going on the huge pile of models on my desk awaiting distribution to reviewers, next issue might be all reviews!

The seven pages of the Recent Releases and News sections, however, are anything but 'quiet', with coverage of the many interesting 'goodies' that have either just been released or will be arriving soon. As I have said before, you can forget those blurry thumbnails on the net, if you want to see top quality images of what has been released and what is coming, take a look in AMRM!

Purchase this issue of AMRM as a back issue in either paper or digital form
Ring the office on (02) 9311 2036 and have your credit card handy


Order a back issue from our website

You can also purchase a digital back issue from the Zinio site:

James McInerney
Production Manager

Wednesday, 14 May 2014

Back Issue: June 2014 AMRM

The June 2014 issue of AMRM is now available as a back issue.

The June issue cover has a very fine shot from the camera of Ray Pilgrim, illustrating an evocative NSW locomotive shed scene on David Allan's Belltrees depot, which is featured inside the magazine.

The contents of the June issue.

Our cover feature is a description of David Allen's HO scale 1970s era NSW
locomotive depot with words and pictures from Ray Pilgrim. 

Also featured is the conclusion to Iain Hunter's description of his dual gauge, UK based,
HO scale exhibition layout based on Broadford in Victoria. 

AMRM's past editor, Ross Hurley, describes his methods of creating gum trees which results in a scale model of a tree, rather than just something that reminds one of a tree!

Peter Burman comprehensively describes how to make working diaphragms for passenger cars, a method that works in any scale and for any prototype and also has the great advantage of eliminating the unsightly gap between carriages.

Peter Ennis returns with another of his very useful series on building models of the more obscure VR rolling stock that are very unlikely to ever be offered as kits, let alone r-t-r.

Andrew George describes some simple detailing tricks that will improve any
scene in any scale.

Craig Veitch continues his interesting layout building series with a treatise on the
importance of getting things running properly!

Ron Cunningham returns with another Branchline Ramblings, this time describing
the simple safeworking system he is building on his layout to keep
drivers on this large layout under control!

We don't normally cover specific exhibitions anymore, but the recent Aus7 Expo at Casula had some very interesting examples of fine modelling in O scale that we thought were worth sharing with our readers.

The recent all-Australian Hobson's Bay club exhibition over Easter in Melbourne has bumped up the number of new items to report in the well-filled pages of the Recent Releases and News sections. Reviews featured in this issue include the books, Iron Work Horses, Peninsula Pioneer Revisited and The Phoenix Foundry - Locomotive Builders of Ballarat, plus the kit for an HO scale NSWGR 18' louvred van from IDR Railway Castings and the r-t-r N scale NSWGR 'American' end-platform cars from Gopher Models.

Forget those blurry thumbnails on the net, if you want to see top quality images of what has been released and what is coming, take a look in AMRM!

Purchase this issue of AMRM as a back issue.

Ring the office on (02) 9311 2036 and have your credit card handy


Order a back issue from our website

You can also purchase a digital back issue from the Zinio site:

James McInerney
Production Manager

Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Back Issue: April 2014 AMRM

The April 2014 issue of AMRM is now available as a back issue direct from AMRM.

The April issue cover features a scene on my very own HO scale Lambing Flat, showing the level crossing, plus the new signal box that controls the junction to the new section of the layout that is described in this issue.

The contents of the April issue.

As mentioned above, this issue covers the extensions that have, and are being, constructed on my home layout, Lambing Flat.

(The second part of the article describing Iain Hunter's Broadford layout has had to be held over till the June issue, due to lack of space.)

And here is one we have been working on for (literally) years! A comprehensive modelling article (with a section on the prototype) on the original VR bogie J class hopper wagons, complete with a very comprehensive drawing of the prototype in both HO and O scales. The article describes two different approaches to converting an American prototype model to a J class, using two different brands as the source, by well-known VR modellers, Peter Ennis and Tony Gray.

Phil Knife brings us another in his series on building WAGR steam locomotives. The 'hints and tips' he describes are useful for building any model, not just the one he has constructed.

Another one that has been 'in the works' for a while. Alex C Brown presents another of his NSW passenger car conversions, showing how to create a model of a supplementary interurban car that we can pretty much guarantee will never be available r-t-r!

Ian Barnes takes us through the steps of fitting a DCC sound chip to a DJH steam locomotive kit.

Roy Elder shows that building good looking scenery isn't hard at all.

Peter Jarvis describes his collection of kit- and scratchbuilt versions of the BCV/BLV/MLV/MLK vans, the prototypes of which were described in Ian Dunn's article, 
The BCV - A Much Modified Van, in AMRM Issue 293 (April 2012).

Unlike last issue, there is much more commercial news happening at the moment! 
With over nine pages of Reviews and nearly seven of News and Recent Releases, there is plenty to tempt the wallet.
This issue we review the r-t-r Eureka VR R class 4-6-4 steam and Auscision AN class diesel locomotives, plus the r-t-r Southern Rail QR ALY four-wheel vans, Austrains NSWGR LHG/OHG goods brakevans, SDS VR U four-wheel louvred vans and Auscision VR VLX/BLX louvred/closed vans (all HO scale).
Lots of interesting stuff in the News section as well.

Purchase this issue of AMRM as a back issue.

Ring the office on (02) 9311 2036 and have your credit card handy


Order a back issue from our website

James McInerney
Production Manager