The February 2015 issue of AMRM is now available as a back issue either direct from SCR Publications or online from Zinio.
On the cover...
What's inside...

On the cover...
What's inside...
This issue we return to NSW for our feature layout, highlighting the Guildford Model Railway Group's HO scale exhibition layout based on the Central West location, Wallerawang. The layout, modelled on the prototype as it appeared in the mid-1990s, features trains from the last 60+ years, all provided by members of the group.
Once more, the content of this issue concentrates on activities related to layout building with the main feature being part two of Mal Smith's treatise on the construction of his diorama of the Bell's Grotto area on the Wolgan Valley railway.
Mal describes how to go from slabs of foam to the finished item and then shows how to successfully photograph the result!
Our American correspondent, Dennis Murphy, describes the basics of scratchbuilding a simple structure, the techniques of which are applicable to any model building project.
Phil Jeffery looks at a building in Beyond the Fence that could be just the thing to try your scratchbuilding techniques out on!
"And now for something completely different..."
This issue's extended Gallery features some of the locomotives and rolling stock constructed by well-know light railways expert and author, Jim Longworth, for his Gn15 layout set in the south coast area of NSW.
Jim shows what can be achieved in an unusual scale/gauge combination that has no commercial support, except by accident!
In other items, Trevor Hodges once more keeps us 'In The Loop' with a discussion of some of the issues involved in designing layouts for a long life, both of the layout and the layout's owner!, plus Ian Dunn issues a timely warning about the dangers of attempting to strip paint from models without checking that the stripper is compatible with the material being striped.
The six and a half pages Reviews section covers more of the huge number of r-t-r and ready-to-place models that continue to dazzle the marketplace, along with books to assist in the assembly into a coherent whole the amazing range of items now available to the Australian market. We review the GC open wagons from Eureka Models, the ACX sleeping car from Austrains and the fuel depot buildings from Southern Rail (all HO scale), a new DCC decoder from NCE and the latest Byways of Steam, plus the newly released Sydney Suburban Steam, from our book publishing arm, Eveleigh Press, as well as Railways of Tasmania's Wild West, Up the Straight The Sunshine - Bacchus Marsh - Ballarat Rail Corridor 1980 to 1995 and Ted Payne's Vantage Point, all of which have some stunning images that will inspire any modeller to greater heights.
If you thought that the New Year would result in a lull in new releases and news about future releases, you were wrong! We needed over five pages to contain even brief descriptions of all the items that have just arrived or are due in the next couple of months.
While there is nothing quite like holding a fresh copy of AMRM in your hand (our photos look so good on quality paper) purchased from your local hobby shop or newsagency (if they don't stock it, ask them why not!) those who have fully embraced the digital age can obtain our online version of the magazine from Zinio International.
Contact AMRM to take out a subscription to the online version (or adjust your current subscription to include the online version) in time for the release of the online version.

Purchase this issue of AMRM as a back issue in either paper or digital form
Ring the office on (02) 9311 2036 and have your credit card handy
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