The June 2015 issue of AMRM is now available as a back issue either direct from SCR Publications or online from Zinio.
The cover...
What's inside...

The cover...
What's inside...
This issue's layout article highlights one of the largest layouts on the exhibition scene, both in size and scale, Paul Chisholm's O scale NSW layout, Arakoola.
Modellers of both the traditional steam/diesel transition era and the present day will find something of interest in this issue.
The feature modelling article is from Peter Jarvis and it describes the prototype history of the last batch of the NSWGR's Far West Children's Health Scheme cars and how to model them.
Answering the 'call to arms' in my Comment in the February 2015 issue regarding the shortage of modern era modelling articles is Chris Jones with a description of the private passenger train owned by Boyd Munro and some hints on how to model it.
We haven't forgotten the 'minority' states either, with another of Phil Knife's essays describing a prominent Western Australian locomotive and how to model it using a locally available kit. As with all of Phil's articles, not only is it an interesting read about a prototype that would be unfamiliar to most, the hints and tips in the article are useful for any modelling project, whatever the scale or prototype.
We weren't sure if we should publish this next article from Jonathan Majer (we are of the opinion that Maikha Ly does not need any more encouragement ;) ), but since it is a clever use of an instrument of horror, we decided to do it anyway! (We'll just have to try to keep it from Maikha... )
Rounded out with a useful hint on cleaning locomotive wheels from Ian Barnes and another 'Beyond the Fence' from Phil Jeffery, plus Trevor Hodges semi-regular column, the contents of this issue should inspire some modelling!
As should this issue's Gallery, with even more fine modelling from the VRMS's annual Victorian Prototype Modeller's Forum, this time showing just some of the HO scale models that were on display at a recent convention.
The commercial side of the hobby continues to deliver interesting models to a demanding market and the eight pages of reviews only scratches the surface of what has been released in the last couple of months. This issue's reviews cover the spectrum from the Southern Rail HO scale r-t-r Victorian V/Locity sets, through an HO scale kit from Peter Boorman's Workshop for a NSWGR ballast plough, Ray's Pilgrim's extensive range of 3D printed HO scale NSWGR lower quadrant 'Byles era' signals, SEM's re-released VR UB and UP bogie louvred van kits to another 'first', the Wuiske Models/Haskell Co. r-t-r HO scale QR 1550 diesel locomotive, the first Chinese-made r-t-r injection moulded locomotive for the Queensland market.
Then the eight pages of Recent Releases and News will keep you up to date with the latest, including the news from Australia's mini-Nuremberg, the Hobson's Bay exhibition.
Contact AMRM to take out a subscription to the online version (or adjust your current subscription to include the online version) in time for the release of the online version.

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