The February issue of AMRM is now available as a back issue direct from SCR Publications (paper copy) or Zinio (digital copy).

James McInerney
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The contents page.
This issue's feature layout is a permanent HO scale home layout that reproduces the very popular location of Goulburn on the NSW Main South line.
Our feature article for this issue shows that two common beliefs are completely false! Firstly, scratchbuilding is not dead and secondly, there are younger modellers turning out some very fine models!
This issue sees the first part of Kevin Tiernan's very comprehensive, well illustrated and easy to follow series on scratchbuilding a passenger carriage in HO scale.
This issue sees the first part of Kevin Tiernan's very comprehensive, well illustrated and easy to follow series on scratchbuilding a passenger carriage in HO scale.
AMRM's graphics designer, John Casey, takes time out from assembling the magazine to write and illustrate a very useful article on creating billboard advertisements for buildings.
Continuing the scratchbuilding theme of this issue is Doug Simpson with an article on how to create attractive buildings from photos, a great 'short cut' to scratchbuilding for those without the time or inclination to build everything in the traditional way.
Ready-to-run modellers haven't been forgotten either. Ian Dunn has written a Prototype File on the NSWGR four-wheel HG goods brake vans, outlining their history and areas of use, to go with the review (also published in this issue) of the recently released Casula Hobbies r-t-r HO scale range of HG brake vans.
This issue's Gallery catches us up with some of the changes on Peter Knife's Sn3.5 layout, based on Minnipa on the SAR's Eyre Peninsula, via more excellent photos from John Dennis.
This issue, Trevor Hodges' regular 'In the Loop' column takes an entertaining look at the proposition that one can model in too many scales at once (or can one?) and Phil Jeffery's Beyond the Fence article looks at some once common infrastructure, the PMG's wooden phone boxes and cast iron mailing boxes. This very useful article has already encouraged me to create a 'near enough' Australian phone box from a Peco British kit I had lying about!
The Reviews section features the aforementioned r-t-r Casula Hobbies range of HO scale NSWGR HG goods brakevans (and W&W derivatives) and the latest release from Eveleigh Press, The Steam Tram in Australia & New Zealand, as written by respected historian Bruce Macdonald.
Despite it being the traditionally quiet pre-Christmas period when the Recent Releases/News section was prepared, we still managed to fill five pages with lots of interesting information on new models, both released and due soon.
We also have available an online version of AMRM to compliment our traditional paper version. You can purchase the paper version from newsagents, hobby shops and specialist bookshops (or direct from AMRM if none of the above are convenient), while the online version can be purchased either through us or direct from Zinio International.
Contact AMRM, either by sending us the form below, or via our website, to take out a subscription to the online version (or adjust your current subscription to include the online version) in time for the release of the online version.

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