The December 2019 issue of AMRM is now available as a back issue direct from SCR Publications (paper copy) or Zinio (digital copy).
You can purchase a paper copy of this issue online at:
or directly from the AMRM office by phone on (02) 9311 2036, using your Credit Card.
The digital version of the December 2019 AMRM was released by Zinio on Wednesday 13 November .
Buy digital back issue of December 2019 AMRM from Zinio.
(scroll down from current issue for all back issues).
The contents page.
This issue's feature layout models a prototype that (as far as I can remember) has never been featured in AMRM previously, the North Australian Railway, and it is set in the dark days of 1942. Peter Lucas has adopted some very interesting techniques to model this extremely obscure prototype.
Not many modellers have the knowledge or interest to create authentic signal box diagrams for their layout, but the late Wilfrid Brook, did. He shared some of his knowledge and techniques in this fascinating article.
Tom Carlos is back with the latest installment of Billabong Marina, describing how he constructed more of the many buildings populating this fascinating little 'gem' of a layout.
Peter Michalak presents a DCC Workshop on fitting a 'stay alive' module to his SAR F class steam locomotive. Don't be misled by the prototype, this article is applicable to anyone who has fitted a DCC chip and wants their locomotive's to proceed smoothly and without annoying stalls.
It's not often we get the opportunity to highlight 'good works' in AMRM, so we are delighted to be able to publish an article by Brad Peadon describing David Xuereb's commendable efforts to raise funds for the charity Kids with Cancer Foundation Australia through the medium of model railways.
This issue's In the Loop takes a wide-ranging look at what might happen to a layout once the builder has passed on and explores some of the issues surrounding layouts whose owner is no longer with us.
In this issue's Beyond the Fence, Phil Jeffery describes some idiosyncratic and very modeleable equipment once used to unload wagons on the Victorian Railways.
For the modern era modeller, Chris Jones describes a very basic structure used to unload grain in Melbourne, while general maintenance of models is covered by Jonathan Majer's Cleaning Unpowered Electrical Pickup Wheels and Steve Donohue's artistically illustrated Coasting to Clean Track.
This issues Gallery takes a look at stock handling on the VR, courtesy of photographs by John McCallum of models displayed at various Victorian Prototype Modellers' Forums.
This issue's On the Workbench continues the stock handling theme, but in NSW, with an article describing the NSWGR's '1890', '1891' and '1896' bogie cattle wagons and Ian Dunn's adventures constructing the newly-released Stephen Johnson Models HO scale kit of the '1890' version.
On the Workbench leads into the Reviews section, which cover's our publisher, SCR Publications, latest release, Hudson
Brothers A History of Hudson Brothers Carpenters, Engineers & Manufacturers
1866-1898, by David Jehan, as well as the latest release from Train Hobby Publications, Ted
Payne The Steam Era • Victoria, featuring many more of Ted Payne's excellent photos.
As one would expect in the issue after the AMRA (NSW) October long weekend exhibition, the Recent Releases/News section contains a lot of new models, as well as some intriguing news of what is coming up in 2020!
We also have available an online version of AMRM to compliment our traditional paper version. You can purchase the paper version from newsagents, hobby shops and specialist bookshops (or direct from AMRM if none of the above are convenient), while the online version can be purchased either through us or direct from Zinio International.
Contact AMRM, either by sending us the form below, or via our website, to take out a subscription to the online version (or adjust your current subscription to include the online version) in time for the release of the online version.
Ring the office on (02) 9311 2036 and have your credit card handy
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online to the paper or digital (or both) versions of AMRM at our website.
You can also purchase a digital issue of AMRM (including back issues) from the Zinio

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