The October 2019 issue of AMRM is now available as a back issue direct from SCR Publications (paper copy) or Zinio (digital copy).
You can obtain a paper copy of this issue online at:
or directly from the AMRM office by phone on (02) 9311 2036, using your Credit Card.
The digital version of the October 2019 AMRM was released by Zinio on Wednesday 18 September.
(scroll down from current issue for all back issues).
The contents page.
This issue's feature layout is Tony Scott's new (and quite extensive) 1970s era VR N scale home layout, Forest Creek, with photos by the incomparable John Dennis.
Despite the opinion of some that scratchbuilding is dead, we seem to have no problem being offered plenty of scratchbuilding articles for publication! No sooner have we finished
Kevin Tiernan's series on building a NSWGR passenger brake van, than highly respected South Australian modeller, Gavin Thrum presents a major article on scratchbuilding an SAR Webb-era 'caboose' (goods brake van).
Even if you have no interest in SAR steam-era brake vans, Gavin's magnificently illustrated, step-by-step guide to constructing the model will be of use to anyone contemplating scratchbuilding a model of any sort. If you have never scratchbuilt anything before, but would like to have a go, then the techniques presented here will definitely help you on your way.
Scratchbuilding definitely seems to be the 2019 theme in AMRM, with Ian West's short, but informative, article will allow anyone with the ability to bend a piece of wire to construct working station platform lights.
AMRM regular, Jonathan Majer, presents an article on a subject not often covered; how to protect your layout from the depredations of small pests (no not the neighbour's kids... )
This issue's In the Loop looks into one of the basics of modelling, laying track, while October's Beyond the Fence comes from Graham Watson in Western Australia and highlights an item of Australia-wide civil infrastructure that often finds itself modelled.
Gallery features another couple of Eureka 50 class conversions by Ray Smith, describing how he fitted Laird crossheads to his models of 5154 and 5340 and scratchbuilt a model of a 3650 gallon turret tender.
The Reviews section is headlined by a review of what is probably the single most useful book ever published on the steam era NSW railways, Garry Saunders' New South Wales Railways in Colour 1855 -1957. Not only does this book thoroughly describe what is currently known about the colour schemes used by the NSW railways on locomotives, rolling stock and infrastructure, as well as the colours used by Sydney's tramways system, but also describes every class of locomotive, carriage and goods vehicle used on the system, what colours they were painted in their lives, plus going into the background of how and when they were introduced. This review is ably supported by a thorough look at the Southern Rail HO scale, r-t-r, QR 2300 class diesel locomotive, the Casula Hobbies HO scale r-t-r MLV/MLK bogie milk vans and bogie E flat wagons and a look at Where there's smoke Part 1 Scotland to the Cape, the new book from the publishers who brought us Northern Exposures, Lenses South and Shooting the West.
The Recent Releases/News contains some very interesting new models, quite a few of which should be available for purchase, or viewing at least, at the upcoming ARMA (NSW) exhibition on the October long weekend (at the new venue in Sydney's Olympic Park).
We also have available an online version of AMRM to compliment our traditional paper version. You can purchase the paper version from newsagents, hobby shops and specialist bookshops (or direct from AMRM if none of the above are convenient), while the online version can be purchased either through us or direct from Zinio International.
Contact AMRM, either by sending us the form below, or via our website, to take out a subscription to the online version (or adjust your current subscription to include the online version) in time for the release of the online version.
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