Friday 13 July 2018

Back Issue: August 2018 AMRM.

The August 2018 issue of AMRM is now available as a back issue direct from SCR Publications. 

Back issues of the digital version of AMRM are available from Zinio. 

Buy digital back issue of August 2018 AMRM from Zinio (scroll down from current issue).

The August 2018 cover.

The contents page.

This issue's feature layout is Phil Overton's minimum space HO scale exhibition layout 'Philden', which shows that you can have a modern era layout, even if you live in a small unit with a family.

With the deluge of beautifully detailed rolling stock that has hit the market over the last decade or so, it is nice to see that some still scratchbuild! Iain Hunter has modelled an unusual NSW flat wagon using techniques that are applicable to just about any scratchbuilt model.

If you don't feel you are quite up to scratchbuilding yet, try this simple SEM kit conversion from David Clark. You end up with a variation not many others will have and you will have learnt some valuable skills!

Two- (and multi-) deck layouts are becoming more and more popular, seeing as they allow a lot more operation in the same space as a single-deck layout. Graeme Barnes describes how to construct the very necessary helix to take the right-of-way from one deck to the next.

Continuing the layout building theme, Jonathan Majer has raided Bunnings to solve a storage problem he was developing with his multiplying modules!

The layout is going well and you are looking for some inspiration to detail the scenery. Our regular 'Beyond the Fence' feature in this issue has some ideas from Graham Watson for spicing up those blank brick walls . 

Unless you are modelling the 'early days', you will need some motor vehicles on your layout. John Casey has some ideas on sources of suitable cars for the very popular steam-diesel transition era.

This issue's Gallery has a mini-history of the HO scale models that have been available of the iconic NSW 46 class electric locomotive.

Trevor Hodges' In the Loop column discusses a very common problem in our aging demographic, the physical strains brought about by tracklaying!

The Reviews section looks at two recent HO scale modern era wagon releases, one from a well established manufacturer and the other from a 'new kid on the block'.

Thanks to the recent Rosehill (NSW) exhibition, the 14 page Recent Releases/News section is overflowing with tasty new models and the promise of things to come!

We also have available an online version of AMRM to compliment our traditional paper version. You can purchase the paper version from newsagents, hobby shops and specialist bookshops (or direct from AMRM if none of the above are convenient), while the online version can be purchased either through us or direct from Zinio International.

Contact AMRM, either by sending us the form below, or via our website, to take out a subscription to the online version (or adjust your current subscription to include the online version) in time for the release of the online version.

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James McInerney