The April 2025 issue of the AMRM is available in store
The April 2025 issue of the AMRM, is now available on line, hard copies are available in store.
Feature articles are:
Renmark recreated – once more
Brian Shields updates progress (If at first you don’t
succeed etc.) on his ‘Renmark’ layout.
Building Leightonwood: Part 2
Ben Gray outlines baseboard construction,
painting and lighting for his layout Leightonwood.
The long road to Ulm street: Story of the Caloundra and District Model
Railway Association Inc.
Paul Nielsen outlines the rich historyof the Caloundra and District Model Railway
Association Inc.
A Footplate tour of Kangaroo Valley Historical Railway
Stephe Jitts gives readers a tour of his layout the Kangaroo Valley Historical Railway (KVHR).
Using Trainz Railroad Simulator to plan your model railway
Keith Pennington outlines how a simulator program
can be used as a planning tool for visualising
and testing out concepts.
VMRS Prototype Modellers Forum
John McCallum reports on the latest
VMRS Prototype Modellers Forum.
Using Train Controller software on
your layout for virtual operations
Darren Johns continues his series on computer-
controlled operations by outlining how to utilise
Train Controller software for virtual operations.
For Reader’s Gallery, if you want your layout or modelling project published, email:
Finally there is News from the Australian hobby world, and Mailbag...