The June 2012 issue of AMRM is now available as a back issue.
The contents of the June issue
The feature layout is the Tumut Railway Modellers exhibition layout in HO scale depicting the long-closed Tumut and Gilmore stations.
This issue's feature article is part 1 of Ian Black's magnum opus on building the entire Southern Aurora in HO scale.
The first part covers the preliminaries and gets into construction of the NAM sleeping cars.
The next part, to be published in the August issue, completes the construction of the NAM cars, as well as the LAN and DAM sleepers.

On the other side of the continent, Phil Knife has been scratchbuilding WAGR steam locomotives, providing information that is of use to any scratchbuilding project, not just the prototypes described!
Infrastructure has not been overlooked in this issue, Warren Miller has adapted a European kit to represent the NSWGR's Victorian era locomotive sheds that handled the needs of the Department's steam locomotives near Redfern for over 80 years.
This issue's Gallery highlights the amazing work being done in N and T scale by skilled Victorian modeller, Paul Blake.
All this, plus the usual supporting features and seventeen pages of reviews and new product news, including the latest from Australia's own 'mini Nurnburg', the Hobson's Bay exhibition at Collingwood Vic, which was held over Easter.
Purchase this issue of AMRM as a back issue.
Ring the office on (02) 9311 2036 and have your credit card handy
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Production Manager
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