The October 2015 issue of AMRM is now available as a back issue from SCR Publications. Some digital back issues are available from the Zinio site.
The cover...
What's inside...
The cover...
What's inside...
Every now and then we get to feature a truly exceptional layout in AMRM. This issue we feature the first section of a two-part feature on John Reid's spectacular 'Reids Creek' HO scale home layout, based on a 'might have been' cross-country line from Cowra to Goulburn, set in the late steam era. Not only is the modelling superb, but the magnificent photos taken by John Dennis bring out all the excellent detail.
Despite breaking the article into two parts, we still couldn't fit all the the magnificent John Dennis photos in, so here are two photos that didn't make it, by way of an appetiser for what is appearing in the magazine.
John Reid's 'heavy' Garratt, 6041, hauls a down empty wheat across the Whitton-style ballasted deck trestle over Gunning Creek, on the southern approaches to Reids Flat station on the 'main line' from Goulburn.
Just a sample of the many evocative scenes on the layout. The pub next to the station was once a feature of many country locations.
Where once AMRM content was dominated by building individual models, mainly of rolling stock, the things that inspire our volunteer authors to submit articles appears to have undergone a change over the last couple of years and we are now receiving far more articles on the wider aspects of layout building. This issue contains quite a few articles on this theme, including Part 7 of Craig Veitch's Void to Layout series, this time covering scenery building.
Also following the layout building theme is Peter Schierloh's description of his Yahara module, a tiny oasis of Aussie defiance in an otherwise American club layout!
Still on layout building, but with a slightly more philosophical bent, is Garry Kahler's description of some of the features of his layout, which strive to give a more impressionistic portrait of a busy railway, rather than attempting to reproduce a particular section of the prototype.
However, builders of individual models have not been forgotten with these two construction articles. Steve Davies shows how to remotor a kit-built model and David Clark makes some small, but not insignificant, alterations to r-t-r and kit-built models to give variations not available commercially.
We also have another in our series of 'prototypes worth modelling' with a description of a modern day train that is not that difficult to model accurately.
Plus, there are the usual spread of smaller articles on various topics, including the latest In the Loop from Trevor Hodges.
This issue's Gallery return to the VRMS's Prototype Modeller's Forum for some more fine HO scale modelling from the broad gauge states.
Then there is just over ten pages of Reviews, Recent Releases and News to keep you up to date with the goings on in the commercial sector. Make sure your credit card has some capacity!
We review the HO scale r-t-r NSWGR four-wheel S trucks from Austrains, plus two new laser-cut wood kits from the USA, one in HO and the other in N. We also cover Eveleigh Press's latest book, South Australian Steam Memories.
There are also many new models mentioned in Recent Releases, as well as updates on many eagerly awaited items in the News section.
While there is nothing quite like holding a fresh copy of AMRM in your hand (our photos look so good on quality paper) purchased from your local hobby shop or newsagency (if they don't stock it, ask them why not!) those who have fully embraced the digital age can obtain our online version of the magazine from Zinio International.
Contact AMRM to take out a subscription to the online version (or adjust your current subscription to include the online version) in time for the release of the online version.

Or click here to
online to the paper or digital (or both) versions of AMRM at our website.
You can also subscribe (and purchase individual online issues - including some back issues) at the Zinio site

If you can't find the paper version of AMRM where you are,
purchase it direct over the net from SCR Publication.
Production Manager
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