The December 2015 issue of AMRM is now available as a back issue from SCR publications. Back issues of the digital version are available from Zinio
As promised, the December issue features part 2
of John Reid's brilliant HO scale Reids Flat layout.

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James McInerney
As promised, the December issue features part 2
of John Reid's brilliant HO scale Reids Flat layout.
The rest of the contents
Part 2 of Reids Flat has been well worth the wait; John Dennis has captured the 'look' of this layout exceptionally well.
Here are a few more of John D's excellent photos that we couldn't find space for in the magazine.
Double-headed Standard Goods locos approach Reids Flat from the north with a general goods train from Cowra beneath a typical winter overcast.
A view of the forecourt of the station, looking towards the Lachlan Hotel. For some reason, this view reminds me very much of the view looking south on the down side of the prototype NSWGR station at Harden.
However, we can't have an entire issue devoted just to one layout, no matter how good (can we?) and there are lots of interesting articles to inspire you to operate your own layout and/or sit down at your workbench.
David Clark presents another in his series of easy conversions of VR rolling stock, this time showing how to adapt the SEM kit to represent a 'one-off' GY open wagon.
So, you want to build a rock face, but weren't sure how, or want to try a different technique? Ross Hurley's illustrated guide will 'show you how'.
When we think open wagon loads, most don't think beyond coal, so Rod Tonkin has suggested a few alternatives. In a similar vein, Maikha Ly's Beyond the Fence: Kaniva Vic suggests a few buildings to model that aren't houses, shops or service stations!
Scratchbuilding locomotives is a theme covered in two articles in this issue.
Roger Hill gives some practical hints for effectively springing scratchbuilt locomotives and Trevor Hodges presents an entertaining treatise on how he came to be scratchbuilding a NSWGR 20 class 2-6-4T in O scale.
Some practical hints towards getting started in 3D printing are provided by Dain Penman, proprietor of Madasu Model Trains.
The return of Under Construction sees Brian Shields describe the beginnings of a layout based on South Australian practice that has sound lessons for those modelling any prototype (or none!)
Also furthering the layout building theme is Jonathan Majer's short piece on the practicalities of adding overhead catenary to the layout.
This issue's Gallery highlights some of the fine work being done in O scale in Victoria.
Then, we review two Auscision r-t-r electric locomotives in HO scale, the NSW 86 class and the Victorian L class, along with the r-t-r HO scale Victorian FX wagons from SDS, an HO scale kit for a standard VR goods shed from Mount Blue Model Co. and two books that should provide much inspiration to VR and SAR modellers.
The Recent Releases and News sections runs to nearly nine pages, expanded with coverage of the models released, shown and announced at the recent AMRA (NSW) Liverpool exhibition.
As most are now aware, we also have available an online version of AMRM to compliment our traditional paper version. You can purchase the paper version from newsagents, hobby shops and specialist bookshops (or direct from AMRM if none of the above are convenient), while the online version can be purchased either through us or direct from Zinio International.
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